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Connect Activity: RefWorks


In this activity, learners are warming up to the task of creating their own proper citations. They are working with their own articles, using RefWorks to generate citations and correcting the errors that RefWorks makes. It's an activity but also an assessment, and students are given the opportunity to apply feedback to their first attempt until they are satisfied with their work. This activity addresses the following terminal objective and both of its enabling objectives:


Given examples of proper citations, evaluate and correct computer generated citations.


Here's the assignment:


RefWorks is a good tool for organizing citations and research, especially for very large projects. However, it is not perfect. Specifically, it doesn't always create perfectly correct citations for database articles. In this assignment, you will use RefWorks to export 2 database article citations in MLA 7th or APA 6th edition style into a Word file.


1. Begin by creating a user account in RefWorks and then import article citations from at least one of the databases that you search this week. The Bibliography tab in RefWorks allows you to choose your settings for the list of citations.

2. Using the citation toolkits posted in week 3, check the RefWorks citations for errors, and fix the errors in citations below the RefWorks citations. You will have two versions of a citation for each article for a total of 4 citations. Two will be from RefWorks and 2 will be your corrected versions. 

3. Then, post your Word file here.


Need more help getting started in RefWorks? View the RefWorks: Tutorial


Grading: 6 points for using RefWorks to create 2 citations, 2 points for each evaluation and edit (if needed) of the RefWorks citations. 

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